***In order to process any request, the form below must be filled out.
Regarding transcripts: Submitted record/transcript requests will begin upon receipt of submitted form. Please go to below link to submit a request.
***The quickest method for sending official transcripts is by email. Please provide the institution's email for processing.
Please allow 2-3 business days for transcript to be processed. Emailed transcripts are preferred. Most institutions accept emailed copies of transcripts if coming from the school.
Regarding admissions/withdrawals: New students to the district MUST complete Final Forms in full to start the enrollment process. Once Final Forms is completed and every form is "green", please have ready: Proof of Residency, birth certificate, immunizations, and any court papers if applicable.
Transcript Form (For past graduates) (***Also, for 3rd party background agencies, please fill this form out. If unable to access form, please email
[email protected] with what you are requesting).
Current Student Transcript Request Form (Students, use this form when you need a transcript for Car Insurance, College Applications, etc.) ***this form is NOT for anyone who graduated or who once attended Otsego. The above form is for you.
College/Military Visit Form (for Colleges, Military, Employment)
Record Request (This form is for registrars from other schools that are requesting records of a CURRENT K-12 Otsego student who is withdrawing). Parents are not using this form.
Enrollment/Final Forms
Current 9th-12th Students: If you need a transcript for Insurance companies or employment, Please emai Betsy Roberts, [email protected]