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OtsegoLocal Schools


Otsego Endowment Foundation

Statement of Purpose 

The OTSEGO ENDOWMENT FOUNDATION (OEF) was established to provide enriching, educational opportunities not otherwise available due to school budget constraints. Through the OEF, individuals, families, companies, and organizations are invited to support supplemental activities that reinforce many of the lessons being taught in Otsego's classrooms.

Expanding Horizons
-Contributing to the Intellectual Development of All Students
-Offering All Students Experiences and Opportunities Beyond the Classroom 

Meeting Date / Location
Second Monday of each month (September – May)
HS Library -– 6:30 pm

OEF History
Since its inception in 1988, individuals, families, and companies have donated and bequeathed money to the foundation. Interest from this amount has totaled more than $195,000 and funds the grants. Each year, a Reverse Raffle/Dinner in April and a membership drive are held to raise money. Interested parties also can give memorial, deferred, and incremental gifts. The Otsego Endowment Foundation is always looking for parents, students, staff, and community members willing to donate time and talents. The OEF awards Education Assistance Awards of $500 each to four students in the district each year. 

The Foundation uses only accrued interest on investments, which currently total over $600,000 for grant requests, assuring funding support in perpetuity. The Code of Regulations adopted by the OEF assures proper standards and procedures for the management of the general funds. Please consider becoming involved in your communities' schools, and having a positive impact on the next generation who will one day be leading our nation. By investing in our youth, you will help ensure the future health and stability of the Otsego Community.  

Ways To Give 
There are several ways you may choose to contribute to the OTSEGO ENDOWMENT FOUNDATION. Your tax-deductible contribution can be made in any of the following ways:

Cash or long-term appreciated securities.
Your employer may match a personal gift to a non-profit corporation. Please check with your company's personnel office to obtain an appropriate form and enclose it with your gift.
Cash or assets in memory of a deceased friend, relative or educator.
Bequests, gift annuities, life insurance, charitable remainder trusts, etc.
Gifts made in planned stages over a specific period of time.

Donations should be made payable to the OTSEGO ENDOWMENT FOUNDATION. The foundation qualifies as a tax-exempt organization; therefore, if you itemize your deduction, your contribution is tax deductible. You may also designate Otsego Endowment Foundtation as the recipient on your United Way donation.

A seven-to-eleven member Board of Trustees governs the OTSEGO ENDOWMENT FOUNDATION. They are completely independent from both the Otsego Board of Education and the Otsego Local School District's employees. Trustee positions are filled each year, and interested individuals are encouraged to participate in the foundation as members/ officers. The public is invited to attend all meetings.

Yearly Events
ANNUAL REVERSE RAFFLE/DINNER - Mid-April (Tickets available for sale from any trustee or ex-officio member beginning in February each year. Advance sales are limited to 195 with 5 sold on-site at the event. Cash prize of $5,000 to last ticket drawn.)

Your Involvement 
Please contact any trustee or ex-officio member of the Otsego Endowment Foundation by email or phone if you require additional information or are willing to donate your time and talents.

Students, parents, faculty, staff, and community members are eligible to apply for grants. If you have a project idea that would benefit the community's students, OEF grant forms are available by clicking the 'Forms' link on the right of this page.